Friday, March 17, 2006

[geek][random] White elephants galore!

So the other day, I was driving down by the UW Surplus building and saw that they had an auction coming up this weekend. Being the pack rat that I am (and I loves me some good, cheap tools), I had to take a look and see what they were offering... There're some interesting-looking lots of hand tools - and computers by the shrink-wrapped pallet (PC and Mac... and even some Sun stations tossed in) - but the best item by far (just in sheer "WTF?" terms) has to be this: a USAF 16-man Altitude Chamber, complete w/ vacuum pump. I don't know how often UW expires their auction-related links, so should the above come up with the screamin' 404, video of the device in action can be found here, under "Ballute Vacuum Inflation Testing" - QuickTime MOV or Windows Media WMV. Now that's a white elephant! ;-)


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