Tuesday, May 09, 2006

[geek] 'scuse me while I attend to some... personal business.

Just taking care of some business, pissin' in the Google juice (I'm a first page result if you google "inmyfinger", one of these splogs - as is someone else who also complained about the theft of their content.) So, to recap: Scandinaviamusic.com is operated by a scumbag who steals other people's content. They do not sell or blog about 80s music mp3s. They steal. They are thieves. Jamtrack.net is operated by a scumbag who steals other people's content. They do not sell or blog about music. They steal. They are thieves. Inmyfinger.com is operated by a scumbag who steals other people's content. They are not a dating service. They do not host legitimate blogs or aggregation portals. They steal. They are thieves. Magicandspells-online.net is operated by a scumbag who steals other people's content. They do not sell or blog about magic or spells. They steal. They are thieves.


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